Monday, July 14, 2008

Heaven sent..

I was looking for answers, I couldn't ask anybody (for fear of rejection). I turned to my best friend online, I call him G.

I found this blog, thanks to G. There, I found others like me. We all had the same stone struck in our head. We're still in debt, but at least we know how to work around it. Truly, Rene Uy is heaven sent.


reTIRED banker said...

Just remember always :
Respect money. Dont use it for
your emotional needs.

..and thanks. I was not sent by
heaven. I was here all along.

crazyoverdebt said...

yeah banker you are, I remember when I am in the midst of worries and problem on how can I pay them. I google it and eureka your DISKARTE blogsite is on the first result, and here we are now stronger.


Anonymous said...

Life was a dark tunnel because of these plastics, until I came across the Diskarte blog. There's more to this story, blogging about it one day at a time.